May 23, 2008

Fundraising Campaign for the Red Libertaria of Buenos Aires

I am hoping to help raise some money for the Red Libertaria, and Anarchist-Communist organization in Buenos Aires that I was close to during my time there. They helped to inform a lot of my organizing since returning to the US and I would like in whatever way possible to help repay that and to begin building closer relationship between anarchists in the US and those in Argentina. The PayPal account below is my personal one, at the end of the month, I'll then pass on everything in there to them through the channels they are establishing.

From Javier:

"Well, let me introduce this quickly. We are one of the groups, we have been working in buenos aires argentina for 5 years now and have managed to reach a nice development. We are currently organized in three groups in different zones coordinating our overall politics and activities. We concentrate currently mostly in propaganda efforts and solidarity with popular struggles and social insertion (that is, to participate from the inside you have to be there) but we also do work in workers (mostly inside andother libertarian syndicalist grouping called CoSiBa), neighbours (mostly in one group called MTD Ezeiza in the Dario Santillan Popular Front) and students (this is our more developed area of work due to many comrades who are young and studying, we work inside wider libertarian groups in some faculties and colleges) unions. We have supported many struggles both form the inside and the outside (railway workers, tire manufacturing, subway, textile, autoparts, for a students bus fare, political prisioners, for the univerity democratization, and a long etc). We have hosted many cycles of workshops on anarchist ideas (self-management, anarchism, spanish revolution, anarchism in the seventies, etc). We have edited 12 numbers of our newsheet (8 sheets most of the time, a thousand or more papers per edition, it varies) called Sons of the People. We have participated in marches with a column with banners and a basic security, etc. You can look at our website if you understand spanish or ask if you want. We are currently trying to gather money to build infraesctructure to potentiate our forces (photocopier, computer, etc). If you can give us a hand please contact us.

From May 1st to May 31st of 2008
First Funding Campaign of the Red Libertaria of Buenos Aires

It will be all throughout May 2008 * It will consist in the sale of bonds and funding activities * It is an opportunity for every comrade to collaborate with the construction of an anarchism insert in social struggles

Buenos Aires, 01/05/08 – The comrades grouped in the Red Libertaria announce with great enthusiasm the imminent launch of the first Funding Campaign of our Group.

It will extend all throughout May this year, being an excellent chance for close comrades, that due to various reasons cannot actively participate of this construction, to give their share in the struggle to revitalize an anarchism insert in class struggle, objective that guides our militancy.

Concretely: Turing this month, the Red Libertaria will resort to your compromise with the construction of an anarchist movement oriented towards social change. Your contribution comrade, big or small, adds up to the total. And most importantly, reaffirms us in the road of class independence, of self-management and coherence that gives not accepting a cent of our enemies.

Comrade, the advance of anarchism requires the support of all ¡Don't lose this chance to collaborate with this campaign! - "

Why Am I Writing?

After an inspiring year following the social and political movements of Argentina, I returned to my hometown of Buffalo, NY intent on beginning the process of actively building local movements with the lessons I had learned in Argentina.

One of those lessons was the importance of participants in our movements telling their own stories and actively analyzing their organizations. That's exactly what I plan to do here, and I hope that some people find it relevant and interesting.